It has never been more possible for you to make a meaningful, positive impact on a massive scale. With the rise of evidence-driven interventions, cutting-edge technology and the availability of huge amounts of resources, we each have an unprecedented opportunity to save lives and prevent unnecessary suffering.

We at Effective Altruism Maastricht are a community that applies evidence and reason to determine the most effective ways to improve the world.

The world is changing in important ways; we can contribute to real progress, but we must also reduce the new risks that come with it. See full version in context.

This is how we do it

The activities that we organize evolve around two objectives.

1. We want to put you in the best position to make a positive impact in the future

By providing you with the necessary skills, knowledge, and network we want to empower you to help overcome some of the world's most pressing problems. This could include everything from preventing the next pandemic and a climate catastrophe to ending animal factory farming and reducing extreme poverty.

From learning about rationality and decision-making, to how to analyse and compare global problems, to skilling up in public speaking and project management, we want to enable you to gain the best tools that will allow you to have a larger impact.

We put a particular emphasis on helping you to identify your personal fit, i.e on how you can identify and develop your strengths, what is important to you, and developing a personalized plan for your future.

Amongst others, we do this by hosting fellowships, joining global EA conferences and organizing skill development workshops.

2. We want to make an immediate impact on a local, national and global level

Effective Altruism is not only about figuring out how to best improve the world. It's just as much about doing it. It does not make a lot of sense to talk about how you could make a difference but then do nothing about it. We think and act globally.

Projects could include determining the best strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Maastricht, launching a company, initiating a nationwide fundraising campaign, or undertaking research on global health and poverty alleviation.

This is a list of projects that we aim to continue implementing.

We are a community

Effective Altruism Maastricht is not only about growing as an individual, it's also about growing together. Having meaningful connections with other people is one of the most important things for your well-being, and we, therefore, value our close-knit community.

We have a variety of social activities ranging from regular dinners and hikes to picnics, game nights, and co-working sessions.

At our group, you will be able to meet like-minded people with whom you can have in-depth discussions about how to make a positive impact.

The board

  • Judith Wiltsch


  • Johan de Kock


  • Lotte de Lint


  • Caleb Schneider