Become a member

Curious about EA Maastricht and how you can get involved? All students of Maastricht University and Hogeschool Zuyd are very welcome to join! Here is a quick summary of how you become a member.

1 . Get to know us

We are excited to get to know you during our introduction activities! You are welcome to come to any (or all) of our introduction events. With these events you can get a sense of what Effective Altruism Maastricht is about and whether this is something for you. Check out our introduction activities and sign up to any that sound interesting to you.

2. Participate in the Introduction Fellowship

Throughout our 4-week Introduction to Effective Altruism Fellowship you can kick-start your learning on how you can do good better. Through discussion sessions and social activities you will be able to engage with interesting material and connect with other people who care about having a positive impact on the world.

3. You are a member! Learn & develop yourself even more

Completing the introduction fellowship is only the beginning on your journey towards tackling some of the worlds most pressing issues. As a member of EA Maastricht we want to empower you to do good better in many more ways: You can work on projects that have direct impact, develop your professional skills and learn even more through discussion evenings, in-depth fellowships and reading groups.